I am Nimisha Gandhi, a sustainable food lover and cooking aficionado living in San Francisco. Graduating with a B.S. in Psychobiology from UCLA, working in clinical research at UCLA and Baylor College of Medicine, and becoming a certified Ayurvedic practitioner and holistic nutritionist, my PASSION is health. I am DEDICATED to helping people find their TRUTH through lifestyle and nutritional work. My work is research-based, intuitive, and from the SOUL.

I believe you must really love yourself to be your healthiest self. Eating food that is plant-based, nutrient-rich, and brings ENERGY to your body is one of the greatest ways you can RESPECT and LOVE yourself and the people in your LIFE.

I specialize in women’s health, specifically in fertility, prenatal, and postpartum nutrition. I also do private nutrition and lifestyle coaching and consulting for companies. You can also find me hosting wellness and nutrition workshops in San Francisco. Please contact me via email if you are interested in what I do or if I can be of service to you in any way.

Club Dine In is continuously evolving. I started it as a company when I was a newlywed, trimmed it down to only a blog, and it is currently a landing page. I am super ACTIVE on Instagram. I am a mother to a child so full of LIFE that I am suspended in a state of awe.

*All images are my own, unless noted.

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